Comments (3)
Since the keyboard is a crude piece of ancient hardware, arrow keys and spacebar is not a good control scheme. For example, hold up and left, then try pressing space. Space doesn't work. A lot of games use the arrow keys and z instead.
I wish the menu was animated or made more insteresting. It's pretty plain. I like the blocky looking stars. If the asteroids would use a pixel art style too, they would be perfect.
I like how the space ship falls apart when you crash. The asteroids need some particle effects when they break up. The space ship needs a thruster animation.
Some music would be appreciated. Newgrounds or the Free Music Archive is a good source for that. What's with having scores if you aren't going to implement the Game Jolt API. Trophies! Variety! Enemies! Challenge! I'm sure you can do this if you invest the time. Good work!
Move: Arrow keys
Shoot: Space bar
Navigate Menu: arrow keys and enter
Shoot the purple asteroids!!! (yes, they're purple).
This is my first game that I ACTUALLY finished, so please leave some comments on how I can improve my future games. :)