Comments (10)
I really, really like this game. I enjoy how well it's paced, and I especially enjoy how it controls. You really nailed the Rolling Thunder feel. That being said, there are some issues I have with the difficulty that keep me from enjoying it even more than I already do.
It's not that the game is difficult, in fact that's one of the reasons I keep coming back. It's that sometimes it's unfair. One of my biggest concerns is that there's no invincibility frames after getting hit. If there's a large group of enemies and I get hit, I end up pinballing off enemies several times which kills me most of the time because I can't recover. There have also been many times where upon opening a door I've been punched or shot immediately after exiting. I also often get punched when jumping up a banister. I'd recommend a short bit of invincibility time after getting hit, opening a door, or jumping up a banister.
Another annoying thing is that enemies sometimes take forever to decide whether or not they're going to jump up or down from a rail. This becomes an issue when the timer turret starts closing in on you, since you're waiting for an enemy to come up or down and they just won't. I'd either make the enemies decide faster or make the timer turret go slower, because it makes clearing stages much more of a hassle.
Other than these things, I enjoy this game a whole lot. I keep coming back to it over and over just to beat the highscores. (Currently no. 3 on the leaderboards, btw)
I like this game. The graphic is awesome! I like that 8 bit sound/music. It was great.
Rolling Bird
Rolling Bird is an Arcade shooter, Highly inspired by Namco's classic 'Rolling Thunder'.
You are one of the agents of the secret spy group "Rolling Bird".
You had been sent to investigate the unidentified product called "Vaccum Filter", which is being produced in The terrorists' hideout.
Their building, which is camouflaged as an ordinary factory is very large, and there are countlessly many terrorist members who are heavily armed to defend their hideout from the intruder.
You must survive and find out the secret of "Vaccum Filter". Good luck...
All the required keys are introduced in the game.
please leave feedbacks after playing it, That would be helpful to improve this game, Thank you.
Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence