
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Looks good! The Idea is nice and it isn't that hard. Perfect Game for me xD

My Thoughts:
The graphics are good for the game. Simple, looks good, and doesn't distract.

However, the rope seems to think it's always behind the player character. From the rope alone, it's difficult to determine when I can jump, and when it's to late.

The (!) indicator kinda drops off if you jump to late. It doesn't seem to disappear when you get to higher levels of jump-age as well.

Also, the game only counts how many times you jump. Period. You can jump 3-4 times before the rope comes around again and get a high score lickity quick,

If I where to improve it, I believe getting the rope to move in 3 dimensional would assist (Change the layering from the back to the front, or change the z axis if you can)

Maybe have another kid later who can jump in, and is worth an extra "jump" if you get them both timed well.



Version: 0.2.0over 8 years ago

A very addictive game of jump the rope

Click anywhere to jump, or press the SPACE bar.


Working on a new Version, stay tuned.

Version 0.2 Available!

Ropemania featured on GloomGames channel

Trophies available

Trophies can be earned by jumping a certain amount of times to unlocked them, fixed an issue that prevented this from happening, everything itโ€™s ok now.