Comments (394)
I know it's derived from my source code, but fuck it - nice little game either way! Heads up for your description, though - I made the games for Sonic and Sally.EXE respectively, but the actual Creepypasta/Story is the work of J.C. the Hyena.
Good job dude!
R.I.P 5.0 Would love to see this game make a comeback tho.
"up for round 3"
no i am up for round 4
!WARNING! ROUGE.EXE version 4.0 will build a NEW 4TH WALL.
Game Soundtrack
Reused Title sound (WEALLFALLDOWN) from Crimson the Bat
- 1.Reused Title sound (WEALLFALLDOWN) from Crimson the Bat
- 2.Reused Title sound (titlebinural) from Crimson the Bat
- 3.Title sound (WEALLFALLDOWN) Reverse & half speed
- 4.Title sound (titlebinural) Reverse & half speed
- 5.Title sound (titlebinural)&(WEALLFALLDOWN) Reverse & half speed
- 6.v.5.0 Edit sound (Lavender Town)_DeadMollySene !WARNING! 5 to 50000Hz 110dB !WARNING!
This game is based on the story of SONIC.EXE and SALLY.EXE from the developer MY5TCrimson.
If you haven't played these games you should do this before you play ROUGE.EXE.
The Game is also available a [J.B.M] -Downloads.
The Download file is an "7-zip Self-Extracting Archive" just start it, choose a extract location, open the extracted folder and enjoy the GAME, a "README.TXT" and lots of EXTRAS.
\/ The links are listed down there \/
Dieses Spiel basiert auf der Geschichte von SONIC.EXE und SALLY.EXE vom Entwickler MY5TCrimson.
Wenn Sie diese Spiele nicht gespielt haben. dann sollten Sie dies tun bevor Sie ROUGE.EXE starten.
Das Spiel ist auch erhältlich unter [J.B.M] -Downloads.
Die Download-Datei ist ein "7-zip Selbst-Entpackendes Archiv" einfach starten, einen Extrakt Ort wählen, den extrahierten Ordner öffnen und das SPIEL, eine "README.TXT" und viele EXTRAS genießen.
\/ Die Links sind hier aufgeführt \/
Content | Link | Site
MY5TCrimson | gamejolt.com/profile/my5tcrimson/84111 | Game Jolt
SONIC.EXE | gamejolt.com/games/sonic-exe-the-game/16239 | Game Jolt
SALLY.EXE | gamejolt.com/games/sally-exe-the-game/20920 | Game Jolt
ROUGE.EXE at [J.B.M] Downloads | plus.google.com/106411120537771013833/posts/SntHkkNuM5v | Google+
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore