Comments (4)
Heya, cool game, espacially for a text based game. I made a playthrough of it at https://youtu.be/zhcSWOPRH_4 if you want to check it out. The only thing that didn't make sense was how the bad guy told you where to go to stop him.
I think you've managed to do pretty well given the limitations of just using text (and music).
not my kind of game, but i am sure others enjoy it more than i...
A micro-RPG made for Twiny Jam (make a Twine game using 300 words or less).
Advice: Before the battle with the Dark Lord, try to be at least Level 5 with plenty of potions
Written & Developed by: Stuart Lilford
Battle Theme Music: Schematist (Newgrounds)
Victory Music: Sephirot24 (Newgrounds)
Main Theme Music: McSwainy (Newgrounds)
End Music: Nathan Cleary1 (Newgrounds)
Main Font: David Fens (DaFont)
Logo Font: Julian Pablo Reyes Altamirano (DaFont)