Comments (58)
Can you use retro engine?
Can I please be a beta tester? If not, that's ok, I'm just so excited, and it feels like we've been waiting forever, so, I promise to not leak the beta or give the link to anyone, I will only record a video of it, if that's ok with you
Can u add all for Android plz
Sorry for the question, but will the game be released for Android as well?
Retro Sonic Nexus, also known as Retro Sonic Nex-G or simply Sonic Nex-G internally, is an effort by "The Taxman" (Christian Whitehead), "Slingerland" (Brad Flick) and "Hunter Bridges". It is a merger between three separate fan-games, Retro Sonic, Sonic XG, and Sonic Nexus. Sonic XG is the dominant fangame in the merger, and the levels from Retro Sonic and Sonic Nexus were adapted to the XG style and added to XG's levels.
Original Game (Cancelled) - https://info.sonicretro.org/Retro_Sonic_Nexus
Sonic Nex-G: Renewal Twitter - https://twitter.com/RSN_Renewal
My YouTube Channel - https://youtube.com/@taiky6147