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Anyone Struggling with th Hide And Seek Quest Here s A List Of Hiding Spots in Order
This List is also on the develog The Final update

  1. When the Girl Teleports you to eternal winter leave, she is not there

  2. When you get back from eternal winter press Q (overworld teleportation) and select the residential district she is in the lower left corner

  3. The roof is next go up the stairs to the right of the class and keep going up

  4. Either the Mess Hall or the Weapons store in the Comercial District

  5. Which Ever one 4 wasn't

  6. In your Bathroom (press q or go to your room and go theough the door in the corner)

  7. In The Emerald Forest In the lower right corner (go down as far as you can and go right she should be just before the corner of the map)

  8. Ozpins Office (talk to Ozpin about the girl)

I recommend downloading the maps to efficient locate the exits of all maps and find the girl faster in emerald forest
Also Hobo But this somewhere important so people can find it

It seems like, to no end, people are still having problems with VL Gothic. I hope I can solve this for you. (For those using a PC/Desktop Comp., at least)

  1. Once you have the game downloaded and extracted, open up the resulting folder. You should see a folder named "data." Open it.

  2. In the folder, you should see 5 folders, 3 "Game" files, and zomd5. Open the VLGothic folder, which should be the last of the Folders listed.

  3. Find in this folder, at the very bottom, "VL-Gothic-Regular" and "VL-PGothic-Regular." Both should be listed as "TrueType font file" to the right in the Type column.

  4. Right click "VL-Gothic-Regular" and the third option from the drop-down should be "install". Click "install" and a pop-up with a loading bar on it should appear, then disappear after the installation is complete.

  5. Repeat step 4 for the file "VL-PGothic-Regular."

  6. The Game should now work.

This is a hidden gem, most RPG Maker fan games are usually mediocre and they easily lose my attention, but Vale of Darkness kept my attention the whole way through (until my computer broke.)

It takes the RWBY universe but allows you to be a character in that story. We're already very comfortable in this universe so there's no need to explain the entire world and how it works, but this game does, allowing gamers who have never heard of RWBY easily immerse themselves in this world without knowing anything about the characters or the world.

The game isn't super short but isn't long enough to fall out. While you could probably beat this game in 6 hours, there's so much you'll miss out on. The freedom of going to other areas makes the game feel open and not like a closed world where you have a set path.

A great game to get as a pass time or if you want to play a good RPG. It's made in RPG Maker so it isn't perfect and its setup is like all other RPG Maker games which can get easily tiring, but other than that it's something worth your time if you know what RWBY is or if you've never heard of it.

Just a little exploit i found if you want to be op or gain some quick cash and/or exp. also a quick way to defeat death (first two paragraphs)

play the vr training game in your room once jaune has unlocked his shield bash/stun ability and mc has v-slash, then proceed to the far north and enter the room with death in it.

The 2 characters that must be in the party when fighting death are jaune and the mc and any other of your choosing if you are confidant in your cycling process.
Cycle as fast as you can to get the mc to boost the partys ap (gives 30ap to all and is the first semblence you have) and then use jean's stun (it only costs 10ap). cycle back to the mc and use the enerdy boost again or v-slash as it ignores def and helps speed of the process a lot (make sure jaune always has 10 or more ap for the stun). everytime its jaunes turn use the stun to stun lock death so it cant hit you and you should eventually take down death without taking dmg (if youre fast enough on the cycles). gives buckets of exp but the exploit isnt using the boss

the chest rewards you with the best weapon for each of your characters (MK 2s) and they sell for a lot. Fortunately you can fight death as many times as you want (just by interacting with the chest again) and essentially gain an infinite amount of wealth by selling the replicas of the MK 2s that are in the chest every time you beat death.
you only need to have to beat death 2-4 times to gain enough money for the next part, so its doesnt take too long.

go to the items store (bag symbol) and sell all replicas of the mk 2s and then buy 99 of each stat upgrade including aura upgrade, apply them all to one person (recommend is the mc for the final final fight). with that the character has maxed stats and the best weapon they can possibly have, essentially take 0 dmg from all enemies except the final bosses who do so little dmg with the amount of aura you have that it doesnt matter, while dealing around +6k dmg an aa.

Easy win boiz, kinda takes away from the challenge but once your stats are maxed there is no need to grind lvls unless you dont have all your characters moves/skills and allows you to cruise through the story without worrying about losing ever again or completing those hard mini boss quests

thought id share, love the game to bits and have invested a lot of time in it and cant wait for the next one

i try to play the game but it says every time i click on it "unable to find gothic font" what do i do? i'm playing this for my youtube channel.


RWBY: Vale of Darkness V2

Version: 2.1.3almost 8 years ago
The final version of the game. Please read the README! included in the download before playing.


Version: 2.1.6almost 8 years ago
Any patches needed to fix small bugs are added here. Currently, this patch fixes an issue with Nora and Ren's character events, talking to Ruby before going to Beacon, and Weiss' level 50 skill. Also, an issue with the character creation process.

Extra Episode

Version: 1.0.0almost 9 years ago
An extra episode for the game. Only play after finishing the main story with the true ending.


Version: 1.0.0almost 9 years ago
Maps for Emerald Forest, Forever Fall, and Eternal Winter.


Need help with the game or have a question you want answered? Join the discord:

This game is dedicated to Monty Oum, he was my inspiration to be creative and do what I love, and created one of my favourite animated series of all time. Thank you.

RWBY: Vale of Darkness is an RPG maker game set in the world of RWBY. You play as your own character in the storyline of RWBY volume 1 and 2. The story is tweaked to accommodate this new character, but is mostly unchanged. Volume 3 is also available as a separate download!


  • Main Story for Volume 1 and 2.

  • Character Events

  • Overworld

  • Playable characters from RWBY & JNPR

  • Day by Day System

  • Friendship System

  • Side Quests

  • ATB Battle System

  • & more!

In regards to the Day by Day and Friendship Systems, the game works similar to a Persona game, when you are not doing quests or fighting monsters, you can hang out with various characters in RWBY. In between events in the main RWBY story, there are periods of time where you will be able to either spend time with others or do side quests.

If you liked the game, follow it and give it a rating! If you didn't like it, give it a rating anyway!
All feedback is appreciated, so comment below!

Thanks for checking out RWBY: Vale of Darkness!

This game was rated 4.6 out of 5 before Gamejolt changed it to likes. Proof:

This game and it's creator are not affiliated with RoosterTeeth. RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and I do not claim ownership over RWBY. This is a non-profit fan-made game made for the RWBY community by the RWBY community.
Please support RoosterTeeth by checking out their website:

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor

... is this thing still on?

Hi all! Recently I was contacted about doing a small segment for the online convention, SMMR of RWBY. If you want an inside look into the development of this game, check out my segment:

Hope you enjoy!

SMMR of RWBY - The Creation of RWBY Vale of Darkness
Link to RWBY Vale of Darkness: IS SMMRofRWBY?To the surprise of no one, the RWBY FNDM has some incr...


The game has achieved 69,420 downloads. Also I'm still never touching this game again.

OK bye


In regards to a really big number.

  58 votes Voting finished

It's time.