
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I like how you tell me my game will get cancelled yet you haven't said anything about your two games.

Hello John,

If You Have This Letter we have invited you to watch over the place called
Sam's Snack Pack,

This place is pretty old by the way,

You aren't doing the night watch,

You have to look at the robots and make sure they don't do any harm.





If I were to remake this game, I'd make the artwork look better, I'm not a pretty good artist, but better then I was before. Like just look at Sam's beak, it looks kinda poop doesn't it?

This game is dead.

Though I might make a revival.

Delayed For A Bit.

The game is delayed.

Why you ask?

Iā€™m thinking if i should make my own models, Or just remake them from scratch.

So i am working on my new game,

FNAF Rebirth to the dead.

So yeah, Not cancelled but delayed.