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Same Sun, Different Moons

Version: 0.30.9over 9 years ago

This is a stable alpha of the first 7 levels of gameplay. It's sort of a cross between Digital: A Love Story and Uplink - but it's set on Mars. You are a member of a large expedition on Mars. The shuttle you came in on was destroyed in an explosion. Delve deep into the network and traverse across switches and servers as you discover who was responsible. CCENT/Net+ level knowledge and a passion for crypto are helpful but not required as long as you have access to Wikipedia.

Updates - v0.30.8

  • Added a new level and crypto puzzle

  • Fixed a regex issue with IP/mask/Gateway input

Updates - v0.30.7

  • Fixed a bug that caused the inadvertant selection of files when quickly moving tabs around

Updates - v0.30.6

  • Added a new difficulty mode - "easy"

  • Added sound and sound options to title screen

Updates - v0.30.5

  • Network cheat sheet added to help get players over the first hurdle

Updates - v0.30.4

  • Buttons for all input fields

  • One click close for picture files

Updates - v0.30.3

  • Puzzles are now dynamic and will be different almost everytime you play.

  • Load and Save now work appropriately.

  • A level skip is included for debugging - press F5 quickly followed by ESC.

  • Two new puzzles/levels added.

  • A new game mechanic - browsing other PC’s shared files has been added.

  • Introduction has been tweaked - now thematically correct but unfortunately more pretentious.



Mild Fantasy Violence

Update v0.30.3

Update - v0.28.0

Fixed some small sound issues and added more content. Now includes both a standalone executable and an installer.