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Santa Pyre The RPG 2k3

Version: 1.0.0over 1 year ago
Current Features: 13 Playable Characters 1 Short Prologue 15 Main Chapters 4 Endgame only Side Stories

Based on a novel known as Santa Pyre: The Burning Solaris, this RPG follows the life of Bill Punjabe' as he and his friends gain a mysterious power called Plasma Energy, and faces off against the forces of evil that threaten his country of Santa Pyre (and probably Planet Earth, too). #rpg #adventure

Mild Fantasy Violence

Now, the game is not meant to be difficult. It is mostly story driven. But some parts can be tedious, and I try to mitigate that where possible. As a result, the game may feel imbalanced... in your favor.

The next update will require everyone to start from an entirely new save. The errors in current saves are impossible to work around. Sorry for the inconvience. Cheers.

Sorry everyone. The version I first uploaded had a switch error which prevented progress at a certain point. It is now fixed. Also, I have updated the attacks and weaknesses of most random encounter enemies. Enjoy!