
Comments (1,044)

What do you think?

God this is so confusing
i mean i can understand that you always have to change stuff but do you really have to take the Download down everytime something changes ?
I mean is there no way for you to work with updates instead of taking the download down and having everyone who wants to play it download this huge file over and over again ?
i dont have a good i-net connection were i live so downloading a huge file like this takes a lot of time for me and having to download the whole file over and over again is a great pain in the . . . for someone like me who want to play your game so much

I made it to arc 2 or should I say arc black screen

Is it going to be able to go full screen, because that would be pretty cool if it did ^^

apparently the game is corrupted or something, I can't play it, it just crashes during the extraction, Apparently when the game file is too big the RPGmaker compression software bugs and corrupts the file, so please check out if anyone else is having the problem because i wan't to play this game so bad

i need the game no the DLCC


Placement Holder Build

Version: 0.1.0over 5 years ago
This is a very old version of the game and is only on here as to serve as a placement holder.

❆** Sword Art Online | Revelaitions is based off of the Anime and Light novel,Sword Art Online, however is a Spin-Off story. ❆

Fantasy Violence

Karakuri Productions Applications~

If you're interested in joining an amateur team that will create games, novels, and more, then apply! There's a role for just about anything, so don't be shy!

The New SAO Revelations Mechanic 2017 Log #1

May Return for Short Development

Hello, its been awhile!

I have recently revised the page, and have decided that if enough people still follow this game, I may start up a short development for this game.

Game Development Team!
