
Sarren Online is being created & brought to life with the Unity 3D engine. We chose Unity for it's ease of use & multiplatform viability. We are also using the ummorpg template provided by vis2k on the unity asset store. Overtime the template will be edited into our very own. For now, however, it serves as the perfect catalyst for our first testing and implementations phase.
Sarren Online is still in early development. Currently the development team is one sole developer & asset store content creators. Once we have enough backers, the development team will expand to a: Level Designer, 3D Animator, Senior C#/Unity, Programmer & 3D Modelling Artist

You can see everything that is going on with Sarren Online on our discord!
Such as: To do lists, update logs on everything added to the game, announcements, screenshots of the game, videos of the game & much more!
Our discord: https://discord.gg/est8FAd