
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Exelent concept! Very original, and nice to play, the controls are a bit buggy, and the walking feeling isn't there, by the way, you can get traped betwhen two rocks if you don't step with care.
What does the dog do?
I like how you use those sprites to create trees, and rocks, reminds me to envirobear 2000.
Keep the good work!



Version: 1.0.1-autoabout 10 years ago

Thanks for finding this game in pile of "Simulators" and FNAF parodies

now back to my game

Search for people lost in snowstorm , the faster you'll be the more score you get

at the beggining you'll choose if you want dog , how many flares do you want and how many people you'll be searching for (that will affect beggining score that will during game decrease)

I must admit that graphic and sound is really bad


tiny updated

now you shouldn’t be able to stuck

camera is bouncing up and down when walking

added sound of dog and footsteps

edited wind sound