Comments (11)
That was very fast paced and exciting to play, found a few issues here and there but overall I loved it, it will make a fun addition to my collection. 5/5.
Youtuber: Fellowplayer
So, even while following the development on twitter, I wasn't quite sure what to expect of this. Seeing as the earlier sequel was a bit rough around the edges while still being a ridiculous and over the top shooter, I was a little skeptical about the transition to first person. But all of my doubts were dashed in the first moments when I saw the wee shiba in the corner and joined what essentially felt like an alien gangbang. The action doesn't stop until the game is over and every moment was a chaotic blast all the way until the end. It took me one round to figure out what was going on but that's fine. Sure the aliens could walk thorough doors but it added to the experience in its own weird way. If this isn't among the top places for GGJ18, they're scoring things wrong.
Those collision boxes on those walls though https://youtu.be/2ipVs2OrQh8
It was a really nice game thanks for the experience
Oooh I'm so exited! ^_^
scAVENGER II: The Prequel
Made in 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2018.
After decades of human space travel, one unlucky astronaut has had his ship hijacked! After sending out a transmission for help, you must fight off aliens and maintain your vessel to ensure that you are alive once help arrives!
Movement: WASD
Interact: E
Shoot: Left Click
A prequel to the events of the original scAVENGER that was made for the DreamHack jam back in October. This will also be our submission to #globalgamejam #globalgamejam2018 .
#arcade #action #shooter #scifi #alien #survival #management #scAVENGER #scAVENGERII