Comments (13)
Generally speaking, I'm uncomfortable with downloading and running unsigned exe files, but I can see why you chose this option.
I hope in the full game the scares are better; the ghost/monster/thing's introduction could have been scarier. Occasionally, when transitioning to another room, I would be spawned behind the door instead of in front of it.
While the broken english throughout the game doesn't really hinder the story, I hope at least you might find someone who will rewrite the lines with better grammar.
Perhaps I will try the full game when it comes out.
Edit: Reworded
The game is very good
See my gameplay(PT-BR):
i think you did really well with this and i cant wait for it to be finished i made a gameplay of it im a small guy there but if it helps then it helps
so im not sure if this is supposed to happen, but when I walk through the door that's locked on the right in the first hallway that you have to use a key on, I go through a couple doors and turn to go back out that door and it teleports me back to the hallway with blood in front of the door, and then I'm unable to go back through the door I locked in the beginning.
I liked it! Short and sweet!
Name Your Price
Schizophrenia (Beta)
This is the Beta version of Schizophrenia, everything that you see and play can be changed or even excluded.
Coming soon...
When you donwload the game, probably it will open an antivirus, but relax! We're trying to find out why that happens, to then fix it, but don't be scared, don't have any virus in the game! Simply press the "Run anyway" button, and play it! Thanks for understanding!
You wake up in a weird room, with no idea of where you are, during the game, you'll find notes, letters, and even clues, of what's happening or what happened. The game is a horror one, but eventually, it's more focused in it's own story, the thing is that you have to try to discover what happened there, and find a way out... But it'll not be easy...
Arrow keys - Movement
"B" - Turn off lantern
Spacebar - Interact
Esc (or "X") - Menu
You wake up in a weird room, with no idea of where you are, you have to find a way out, but all the time, something happens. What happened here? What's happening here? How to get out? You have to find clues and notes to know what happened... Can you get out alive?... Or you're going to die inside there, together with the rest of the place?...
Want to help?
At the moment, the only help that I need, is your support on my Patreon, to help me making the game better!
Intense Cartoon Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Crass Humor