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Version: 0.1.0almost 6 years ago
A small test build to show off some of our coding and art. Nothing is final and will most likely change.

SCORIA is an indie role-playing game currently being developed by an almost one person team, with the community around it contributing with original characters, art or ideas!

It follows the story of a character named Mercury as he ventures through his corrupt planet named Scoria, as you'd expect.
He's apart of a species of bipedal creatures named 'Shadow Stalkers' or Stalkers for short. The species has been infected with a currently un-named disease that can completely mutate the Stalker into unimaginable creatures.
This is part of the theme for the game, that being evolution and how corruption can kill a society over time, making it into a cult-like civilisation.

If you're interested in the development, we have a discord server! Although it is rather young it's growing at a rather steady pace, and the community is coming together nicely! You can check it out here!

#rpg #adventure #pixelart #sprites #topdown

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