
Comments (13)

What do you think?

Very nice. A good creepy atmosphere and I'm always up for another SCP game :)

I got all the artifacts once but didn't make it back to the exit.

I made a video of my playthrough:

what is this monsta?

what do the glowsticks do?

in my opinion this game needs a mystery to uncover meaning full space and exploration thatactually aimed to reveal the truth of this place it doesnt something big or mind blowning nor something cliche boo insanity it all in your mind type of crapy so called horror games just something creative smart and tryto connect the meaning of the artifacts and create a scary enemy an actual scary one a great 3D model nottwo glowing eyes and stactics all over the screen maybe those statics cool be used an event that mean something like sort of clue and at the end or at some point of the the player would be able to figure out the secert behind this maze or find a a secret map in some hidden corridor behind some or maybe in the box that ifthe player sreach carefully and was lucky and smart enough will find and there would like specific location on the map with some weird unknow ancient scp object that start glowing when you get closer that location and once to it you find the truth of the maze maybe a projection of some scp statue with start demonstrate some patterns a like kind of some last epic challenge if you win you see the truth and will able to record it with a highl quality camera that can take pictures and videos and and if you lose the scp 432 will appear in a even more scarier form and kill with one epic scare not jumpscare just a scare and for the items player would able to contact with the the people that works on the scp containment but only if they want to report something about the maze only in the few first seconds and better flashight with a good quality andthat doesnt ruin the atmosphere also a great a graphics would cool ...........sorry if i sound mean or clingy i just the game to be better and to a proper scp hrror game just like the original scp containment breach and scp- 087 B something i type too much no sense am not trying to be rude anyway good luck on your futuer projects

very scary game 5/5



Version: 0.1.0over 9 years ago

Website For Scp-432 (All Of A Sudden, Removed): #horror

Realistic Bloodshed

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I Am Not A โ€œFakerโ€ I make these Games Really Fast Because I make Them All Night Non Stop Only To try and make Good Games For The People of Gamejolt.

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I just Want to Say Thanks For all The Support! Im Making A Second Scp Fan Game!
Just To Say How Grateful I am