
SCP 096: The Dungeon
Item #: SCP-096
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096's presence inside the cell.
Any and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP-096's likeness are strictly forbidden without approval from Dr. ███ and O5-█.
SCP 096 has become more dangerous than ever and has escaped the SCP Lab, he is currently hiding in an abandoned dungeon in the forest. You are a Class-D Personnel who are primarily used as test subjects for studying and investigating SCPs. This usually involves risking the life of the Class-D for the sake of ensuring research. You have been selected as a test subject for SCP 096, your only weapon is a special gun that has just been invented, each bullet fired can make SCP 096 freeze for a few seconds.
Can you escape out of there alive?