
Scramble x2
This Scramble remake is a freeware game. The original game (same
name) was made by Konami in 1981. The remake looks like a pixel
perfect clone but has some improved graphics and extra Stages!
Harold Thijssen - March 2008
Find out more at
Requirements __
Software: Win.98/ME/XP/Vista with DirectX 7 or higher installed.
Hardware: Pentium III class PC, videocard and soundcard.
To play Scramble, unzip the file and then execute
the Scramble.exe executable file.
Controls __
Keyboard: Key-up, Key-down, Key-left, Key-right, Ctrl, Alt, Esc.
Gamepad: Up, Down, Left, Right, Button 1, Button 2.
Stages ____
1st = Mountains / rockets
2nd = Cavern / saucers
3rd = Mountains / fireballs
4th = City / rockets
5th = Tunnels / no moving enemies
6th = City / Base (when destroyed ship CHANGES DIRECTION!)
7th = Tunnels / no moving enemies (flying right to left)
8th = City / rockets (flying right to left)
9th = Mountains / fireballs (flying right to left)
10th = Cavern / saucers (flying right to left)
11th = Mountains / rockets (flying right to left)
12th = Cavern / gun turrets (at the end ship CHANGES DIRECTION)
Art by Repost with permission