Comments (3)
Sorry if this sounds rude but this game feels incomplete. It's true that scrapbot has 3 attacks but none of them are powerful to kill enemies with single attack
There is no hit flash to show if attack connects or not so I can't tell if scrapbot's attack hit or not
Also at beginning of stage, enemy should start from weakest enemy not shooter one
How to play is nice but it's missing 'spacebar to jump'
There's a serious bug : when enemy drops item (I'm not sure), other enemies won't be able to walk past the item until it's picked up. Also if the item falls on right side, scrapbot won't be able to pick it up (combined with the former they can cause game stuck)
When that happened, I had to wait for shooter enemy to kill scrapbot to end the game
Bottom line, this game needs a lot of improvements
Pretty cool game! Though it wouldn't submit my score to the leaderboards, even on the second try, had a whopping 1000 :C
Apart from that, I love the animation and the pixel art on the characters, the background image could use some work, and I found myself desperately searching for a jump button. Other than that, keep improving on it and you might have a sweet run and gun / fighting game on your hands!
Now if you're looking for some jam entries to play yourself, be sure to give my one a try if you're into 80s arcade style games! There's even a little contest with prizes revolving around it. You can check it out here:
Feel free to leave me your thoughts on the game in the comments and consider placing a vote for the game if you like it! Seeya around :)
Really cute robot! I included it in part 22 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

Run and Gun mixed with a Fighting Game #indiesvsgamers
Controls -
(The controls are setup to handle QWERTY and DVORAK layouts)
arrow keys to move
spacebar to jump
semicolon/z - uppercut
q/x - kick
j/c - punch