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Shadow Stall

Version: 0.1.2almost 4 years ago


You wake up in an abandoned restroom, but you are not alone. Go from stall to stall to evade an evil entity that's hunting you down. You can also throw a weapon at the entity right when it opens the stall door to make your escape!

Keyboard Controls:
- Movement: A,W,S,D, or Arrow Keys
- Camera: Mouse
- Crouch/Stand: Right Mouse Button or C key
- Weapon Pickup/Throw: Space bar or Left Mouse Button
- Pause Game: Esc or P key

Xbox  360 and ZD Controller Controls :
- Movement: Left Joystick
- Camera: Right Joystick
- Crouch/Stand: Right bumper
- Pause: Start button
- Weapon Pickup/Throw: A button

- Your heart beats faster the closer it gets.
- Some toilets flush when touched, which will trigger the entity to come towards you.
- Wear earphones for best experience!

Also available on Google Play Store:

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Shadow Stall v1.2 Update

- Enemy spawns closer to player

- Player runs faster when outside

- Enemy no longer goes through stall walls