
First Riddle
It was quite easy, right?

Second Riddle
You've opened the secret door!

Third Riddle
Isn't it obvious?

Fourth Riddle
You know the password, so do I.

Fifth Riddle
In your head...

Sixth Riddle
It's smoking hot here.

Seventh Riddle
Just an another riddle waiting to be solved.

Recruit Treephop
You are in trouble.

Recruit Juliet
She's always on duty!

Recruit Suan
Even the robots have soul.

Recruit Cursed Eagle
Because you need a silent protagonist.

Recruit Mio
Actually it's a male cat.

Recruit Zulwhern?
Who's the real Zulwhern?

Recruit Jannet
Even the locks can't hold her.

That was a boss? Easy~
Defeat your first boss.

Meet the Zulwhern
He's a pretty nice guy, eh?

Lovers Part I
I've a bad feeling about it~

Lovers Part II
End of the curse.

Oni Language
Defeat the Oni.

King's Approval
Pass the King's test.

Even the dead can't rest in peace.

Defeat the conjurer.

Snowman Issues
Defeat the Snowy Man.

Tomb Busters
Find the secret tomb and beat its boss.

Pumpkin Slayer
Find a secret tomb and destory the pumpkin boss.

Sail Away
Get a boat.

Escape Plan

Where are you Bartz?
Defeat the mighty Zombiemesh.

Beat the Witches.

A Nice House
Now it's %100 cheaper!

Good Path
...and they lived happily ever after.

Bad Path
A twisted beginning.

Neutral Path
Sometimes doing nothing is the best choice.

Arena Beginner
Beat the Level 0 Arena.

Eighth Riddle
Look at the train!

Wrong Choice
You made the wrong choice...

An Axe?
Bring an axe to old man in Lumberjack Town.

Prison Escape
Rescue the Succubus' captive.

Pearl Necklace
Time travelling pearl finally found its owner.

True Tamer
You defeated him again!

Real Tamer
Make your friend quit his job.

Beat the Zulwhern
I bet you started to like him.

Find and deliver the Bluefire Lighter.

A New World
Reach Chapter II.

Just in Time!
Sometimes you need a Water spell.

Rotten Love
You better prepare lots of rotten meats.

Thunder's Gone
Use Onigiri if you dare.

A Request
It wasn't that hard... or is it?

Trouble's End
At least "one" trouble.

Arena Veteran
Beat the Level 5 Arena.

Sweet Revenge
End of a story.

Get at least 11 good karma and open the pure chest.

Get at least 11 bad karma and open the pure chest.

Fate's Way
Get at least 11 neutral karma and open the pure chest.

Mother Glacia
You've successfully bring Seed Potion to Glacia statue.

Welcome to hell, now leave!
Be brave enough to use Spirit Urn.

Third Time's a Charm
Beat the Zulwhern once again.

Island Trip
Reach Chapter III.

Fire Key
Find the Fire Key.

Ice Key
Find the Ice Key.

Lovers Part III
Going past may alter the history.

Demon Slayer
Defeat the Mephisto.

Defeat the Lord Jlqn.

Arena Expert
Beat the Level 7 Arena.

So Much Potion
So much Sealight Bloom, so little time!

You've ignored everything around you and got the early bad ending.

Zulwhern's Late Retirement
Beat the Zulwhern for the final time.

Quiz Master
You've collected all quiz cards and gave the correct answers.

A Strange Journey
You've travalled through the robot dome and got your answers.

Even Greater Summoning
Defeat the Kami Fujin.

Arena Champion
You've defeated the Arena Champion.

Good Ending

Bad Ending

Neutral Ending

The Leviathan
You've ventured into the depths and defeated the Leviathan!