
Comments (5)

What do you think?

deixa eu te dar uma dica, na hora de exporta o jogo, exporta em zip, meu windows não deixou abrir o downloader , pq poderia ser vírus

my first game is published, finally :)


Shooting Forever

Version: 0.0.2-1over 3 years ago
The game is in Alpha and there is no Stage yet


if your computer is from apple, you won't be able to play the game

If your computer show the message "This program may contain viruses", etc... Click in "more details" and in "install anyway".


Shooting Forever(Alpha) is a "Top-Down Shooter" game where you kill Zombies and Shooters.

The Zombies (Beta)

Wherever you go, the Zombies will follow you, causing you to kill them to earn points.

The Shooters (Super Alpha. Only Pink Ready)

There are several snipers; The Red, The Yellow, The Green, The White and The Pink (to see what color they are, just look at their display).

The Red: Run faster and hide in the corners. He hardly shoots, because he hides a lot.

The Yellow: It runs slowly and does not have a good aim, but, it has a lot of ammunition, thus, making it very difficult to deflect

The Green: Go at you with a knife, if you are not quick and shoot, you will lose a lot of life or even die

The White: It hides more than the red in better corners very difficult to find, it has a very good aim, but, run slowly because it has a sniper, be careful not to be killed

The Pink: Goes towards you firing without thinking, and has a very good aim. #multiplayer #analog #survival #adventure #top #down #shooter #topdownshooter

Mild Fantasy Violence

For sure, this game is DEAD, because I'm too lazy to continue it. So now I don't want to continue making the game.
Got it?
Okay, bye.

Hey guys!

I'm back after awhile to say that I have my computer back!

And with that, now I'm going to continue making this game here, so stay tuned what updates are coming in! ;)

(Already saying, that the graphics are different!)


Hi guys...

I know there's no updates for the game, it's because I'm not able to use my computer and that's why I'm unable to program, because I program in GameMaker Studio 2, and there's no way to program GML in cell phone.

I will back to program soon.