Comments (2)
I loved this game :DDD
Cool game. Very hectic. 4/5
Shoot those Basteds
There isn't much to this game, the title, point, idea and goal are all the same.
Lil backstory on why I made it though, I was watching AVGN through for the millionth time and saw Action52 was mostly utterly garbage space shooters, I thought to myself I could make a space shooter better than any of the Action52 ones in a single day. So I did. Then I didn't work on it or look at it for a year. Then I did. Then I polished a bit. Then wrote this. Right now. Hello.
But yeah it's just a single level and is more of a test of what can be done, I've shown friends and they all said it was hard but enjoyable, so if you want a lil space shooter to waste some time on, consider giving this little game a go c:
Music isn't mine but is credited right under the title.
Notes: It uses admin rights to save your high score.
And yes that is how I wanted to spell it.