Comments (7)
If a chrome hand wielding a laser revolver, to defend the post-a-purpletronic future from the skyhunters isn't 80s, I don't know what is. :D
I like the detail in the overlay elements, scan lines, the faint synch bars, and the static wipe. The letterbox, and vignette at the edges also gives a kind of cinematic quality as well. The underlying bass synth ostinato also gave it that 80s foreboding sci-fi feel. What synths were used, if you don't mind me asking?
Oh, I also liked the little arcade cabinet off in the distance. :D
Very cool. :)
Very entertaining! And that soundtrack was great! Reminded me of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon quite a bit!
Gorgeous and fun, with a great 80's sci-fi vibe!
A minigame made for #the80sjam!
Just shoot the living hell out of the incoming ships and watch some pinkish 80sness...
Nothing more...