Comments (15)
I like this game Im just sad how fast they become unhappy lol its a fun game tho haha i like the music and the sounds are cute hahaha grable grable grable hahahaha
This game is so addicting haha. The only problem I have is when a customer gives me the club card the game will freeze, but other than that, I love it!
Good Game!
Fun game. VERY addicting.
only problem with this game is packing the bags.. its very easy for it to read the wrong drop location and you cant fix it!
Shoppy Mart
A game made by @Pezomi + @z_legat with music by @TheKadence
You've just been hired as the newest checker at your local Shoppy Mart.
LEFT CLICK drags items/interacts
HOLD SHIFT shows the produce codes
1-9/KEYPAD inserts produce codes
ENTER confirms the produce code
BACKSPACE works if you mess up a produce code