Comments (18)
Hello developer, this was a cool game, I truly enjoyed the gameplay. Here is some constructive criticism that may help you improve the game for future updates / projects:
The pros of Silent House:
- I enjoy the style of the game
- that old-school pixilated feel brings a genuine sense of unease. - I enjoy the concept of having to escape the house using various tools at your disposal.
- The inventory system is awesome and easy to use.
- The game is easy to complete, there is no annoyance keeping you from completing (other than a potential glitch in the end?)
- The home is well furnished, assets are placed well and does not feel staged like many other horror games.
The cons of Silent House:
- Potential glitch in the end preventing me from exiting the house (Lock removed, planks removed, mask worn, and code correctly entered)
- The enemy is far to0 easy to avoid, completely avoiding the purpose of hiding in the game, you can just walk around the enemy as he is too slow to follow, turn, or even keep up.
- Enemy along with some other assets can be seen through the walls of the game, completely defeating the purpose of the camera.
- No easy toggling to quickly switch from using the lantern to the camera.
- Generator messed me up, not knowing whether or not it has been activated or not. Developer should add a light that represents whether the generator is ON or OFF.
- Computer coding part should have a simple exit button instead of having to type in the code to exit.
- Lack of story and understanding what is going on and why it is going on.
Other than these few little issues, I found the game to be an excellent one. It was fun, easy, and quite fluent in gameplay (despite a couple little hiccups). I recommend this game to anybody interested in some horror fun!
Keep up the great work, I am looking forward to see what you come up with next!
That bloody knife is begging to be put to use haha I love the panic that sets in when I think I hear him near me or when the phone tells me he's close. I'm getting a 'Granny' vibe for the concept. I like that! It def sets up a challenge for the gamer, and not a game to be quickly beaten within 10 mins.
Great work!​
I’m disliking this bc I could not pick up the rock for some reason and I know I needed it to open the door bc I watch the intro of @Indurok ’s video
i did a first part of this game on my you tube channel if that is OK
Silent House
Silent House is a short PS1 style survival horror game.
You play John Williams, the victim of a car accident. You wake your unconscious body and find yourself in a weird room that resembles a prison cell. You make eye contact with a strange man with a bloody knife that looks awfully similar to the psychopath that you saw in the newspaper. You must escape at all costs or die (not recommended).
- Headphones are recommended
- The game was only playtested on Windows and Android if you run into any bugs or can't start the game. Contact me on discord.
- If you get stuck on any puzzle you can watch the walkthrough here.
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed