Silightette pre-pre-alpha
Silightette (pronounced as silhouette, but with light, sɪllīɛt)
Little mario-paint swatter-esque game in where you control a magic spotlight, which changes colors when in contact with the color puddles. You can only see the sillhouette of the enemies until you're near enough to illuminate them. Then, if your color matches the color of the enemy, you may click to destroy it and earn points. If you click an enemy whilst having a different color, you lose a life. Lose all lives and it's game over.
This game is in an incredibly pre-alpha state, so there are only 2 levels, and a crude UI. I'm using it to reorganize all code I have in my engine.
Current features:
2 simple levels
Basic UI
2 basic enemies with different movement patterns (the star and the ufo)
2 different colors (blue and red)
2 music variations (that will very likely be changed)
Features to come:
More enemy types
More levels
Multiple colors instead of just 2
More music variations
Endless game mode
Better optimizations, smaller load time, and maybe a loading screen if needed.
Control the spotlight with the mouse. Click with the left button to destroy enemies. Touch color puddles to change your color.
Sometimes it's better to wait before pickup up a new color. Wait a bit until enemies spawn so you can see their color.
Don't wait too much, though. The puddles are triggered by the touch of the light halo, so you don't want to have too many on screen.
Also, puddles vanish after some time, so you can't save a lot of them for later.
Known Issues:
Sometimes, puddles spawn on top of each other. Their position is 100% random, but I'm going to change this.
Ufos may leave the screen and never return.