
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Thank you for your game, I did not understand everything but it was cool !

Me gusta! <3


Silver City 2049

Version: 0.1.2over 5 years ago

Principalmente en Español, un poco de inglés.

En Silver City vas a poder comprar distintos productos, trabajar para ganar dinero y pasear para disfrutar de la ciudad, también existen las drogas alucinógenas que vas a poder comprar y consumir. Pero tendrás que mantenerte estable para que tu drogadependencia no llegue al límite. no hay forma de perder, paseo virtual. simulador de caminar.


SILVER CITY 2049 Controls: Move: W,A,S,D. See: aim mouse. Propulsor: [Spacebar] T-Bag: [ i ] Status: [H] Music: [1] then wheel mouse to select. T.V: [2] then wheel mouse to select. Drop Money: [E]. Initiate Chat: [Enter].

Mainly in Spanish, a little English. In Silver City you will be able to buy different products, work to earn money and walk to enjoy the city, there are also hallucinogenic drugs that you will be able to buy and consume. But you will have to remain stable so that your drug dependence does not reach the limit. There is no way to lose, virtual tour. walking simulator Controls: SILVER CITY 2049 Controls: Move: W, A, S, D. See: aim mouse. Propeller: [Spacebar] T-Bag: [i] Status: [H] Music: [1] then wheel mouse to select. T.V: [2] then wheel mouse to select. Drop Money: [E]. Initiate Chat: [Enter].

#multiplayer #adult #retro #scifi #other

Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
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