Comments (4)
This is gonna be longer but you should read it:
First of all make the game faster. It has nearly no difficulty and I guess you dont change much on the graphics (you also dont rly need it and tha graphics arent going to be so great ppl would play it for that) so make it hard that someone likes to beat it! Also make the holes to fall in bigger or -what would be better for the design- the character smaller (he dont need to be that big becuz he is just a cube and you have it really difficult to die in your game). The Portals are a good idea even if they arent true but if u use mroe than one tint them in different colors so you can plan where to go because this is a big advantage or disadvantage of the game: THe palyer can see the whole level and think about what to do.
THe graphics are minimalistic I like it but I would change a little bit on the door. The details are so tiny it breaks the style of the game in a bad way.
I hope you have some ideas and I would like to see (or help) for the rest of the game.
I guess it lives up to it's name. Feels robust, albeit a bit slow, but doesn't really contain anything that makes me want to play it over other similar games. This is for version 0.1.0 though and seems like the developer already has some ideas for the future.
Simple Platforming Game Demo
Use arrow keys to move and jump.
Use Esc to quit the game at any time.
Use F5 to save and F6 to load the game.
Version 1.0:
Simple Platforming Game or even simplier SPG,the name says it all...
Currently this is just a Demo version,I'm testing some scripts and it has only 4 levels.
In the future I will improve the character,add more levels and even a story? why not?
But for right now, you get the demo.
Feel free to leave your feedback and report bugs and glitches,hope you enjoy this little game :)