Comments (4)
Short but sweet, we want to see more.
YouTuber: Fellowplayer
​Awsome Game, shame it was to short love this siren head monster :)
Accidentally downloaded this 2 times because the 1st time I uninstalled it ha ha.
You actually know that this isn't actually made by you, no ?
If you actually created it a few days ago, why is there 2018 in the Title Screen ?
If you are going to steal someone else work like that, at least it could have been with an excuse like " Oh I made a gamepage for it so everyone can play it ! " Doing what you are doing it's just lame.
But no, instead of giving credits to the original creator of the game, you decide to steal it plus saying you made it.
I mean, imagine you are a game dev and you create a game that becomes famous, why would you put " Made by me " in the name ? It's just stupid !
C'mon dude, everybody knows who made this game and when, do you think we are stupid or what ?
I just hope you answer this.
A message to anyone reading this : Don't download this game, is stealed !
thanks for downloading this game made by me