Comments (2)
Thank you for your comment
about the problemes i will correct them
also i thin i will make a double jump to make him jump up to two block for next vesion
and about the inconsistence of the screens i really don't have any idea :(
A really good start, though somewhat ambitious. I really like what you're doing with procedural generation of the tracks, though fairly often it made it impossible for me. Since the player can't jump more than a block and half high, any two-block stack meant death. Otherwise, the course seemed navigable, though not all coins could be reached. The graphics were okay, though the background resolution was very different from the foreground resolution, and the bird sprite didn't seem to match the player sprite. Also, the title screen, loading screen, and game screen all have very different depictions of the same basic scene. Not sure if that was intentional, but seems a little inconsistent. Sound effects worked very well, as did the music. Scoring system seemed to work as well. Keep at it.
The game objective is simple just get a higher
score and try to evade the obstacles.
Right & Left : to move
Up : to jump
Up (after in air) : to double jump
Down : to crouch
Have fun :)