Comments (6)
This seems interesting
When This Game Will Publicined?

An unknown creature has taken complete control of Sonic's body, and now he is eager to kill everyone. A group of four Sonic friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Cream will oppose him. To defeat the demon, they team up with their enemies. Whether they can win depends on you.
Main developer (mechanics, design, scripts) - @Kotovsky1
Scenario and some music (also community manager) - @mscreamrl
Tester - @Smawer
Social links
YouTube - https://youtube.com/@kotovskykul?si=LKlGC3Zoj3yWCvtY
Discord Server - https://discord.gg/WCewm6pKAf
Telegram channel - https://t.me/+yRYJMOsmj8wyNzUy
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore