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Really difficult game. I included it in part 13 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

hard, but fun. perhaps explain the controls in-game?

This could be the new flappy bird


Ski Don't

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

My Entry for #indiesvspewdiepie.

Ski Don't is a ragdoll physics game. The aim of the game is keep the skier from falling over. The catch is that he has minimal control of his limbs, so it's up to you to control them for him and keep him propped up. Once he hits the floor, that's it. game over.


The controls are explained in the video above the webplayer, I highly recommend you watch it if you're confused

  • Hold the key to move the limb(s) you want, then move the mouse to move them

  • A: Left skate

  • F: Right Skate (I Made a mistake doing up the in-game control tutorial so it says R, but it's actually F)

  • W: Left Hand

  • E Right Hand

Think GIRP's ragdoll system meets Surgeon Simulator's Controls, set on a frozen pond

And about the name: it's a pun on ski doo, a brand of snowmobile. But I changed my mind on the character early on and now he has skate and I'm too lazy to change the name

Mild Fantasy Violence

Now on Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8

Development timelapses are uploaded

Coming to the Windows Store

Playable version ready to go!

Final Stretch

Leaderboards are now implemeted, not the last few things left are the Pause menu and spawning the snowballs and making them move