Skrunkly Fighters 1.5.2
Skrunkly Fighters LITE
LITE version of the game for weaker hardware
Game Soundtrack
The FINAL Update for Skrunkly Fighters!
This Update adds FOUR new characters, Nonsense, Kiara, Rose, and Neo!
Skrunkly Fighters in a platform fighting game, similar to those of Smash Brothers, and Rivals of Aether. The game features over 60 fighters, and several stages. The game is a direct sequel to Skrunkly Royale, another game by LemonadeCatYT.
The game has two player, either a CPU or real player, fight in 1-on-1 battles across multiple stages. Each fighter has 5 basic moves at their disposal,
Neutral N
Down N
Neutral M
Down M
Aerial N
Some characters can also possess additional special moves, which is labeled on the fighter card. These additional specials can be of the following

Aerial Down Special - DM in Air
Aerial Special - NM in Air
Up Special - Up and M
Side Special - Side and M
These help give additional variety to characters that might need additional moves.
The Game features something called Assists, which are additional helpers that can be summoned mid-battle to lend a helping hand! Assists are gain though taking damage, and damaging others, the recharge time can be long or short depending on the assist used.

Wiki - https://skrunkly-fighters.fandom.com/wiki/Skrunkly_Fighters_Wiki
Discord - https://discord.gg/NTc8J4VFeQ

Main Dev - LemonadeCatYT
Playtester - LegendlordXD
Render Art - SporkleBM
Idea Man/Music - Molly
Idea Man 2 - Delivery Cat
Emotional Support - Ender
Stages - Neko

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence