
Comments (61)

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Wait is this project dead?

so blyatiful

I approve

cheekie breekie


Slav Simulator - Update #1

Version: 1.1.0almost 9 years ago

Description taken from readme file, simplified. For more thorough desc, read the readme.

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; but instead of resting, God decided 'FUCK IT', and decided
to develop the horrible monstrosity that eventually became....


At least, until he got lazy and didn't work on the game for months, and then he just decided to release it in its broken state
until he feels like working on it again. THIS GAME IS UNFINISHED! NOT EVERYTHING IS THERE!!!

Created by and developed, textured, modelled, programmed, rigged, skinned, farted, whisked, and chewed on by me.

Additional models, sounds and textures secreted by Kifo
Soundtrack by R3troguy!
Assets such as music, textures, some 3D models and various others are from various sources for
the purpose of parody, and no copyright infringement is intended. Just enjoy the dumb, broken game!

Movement - WASD
Jump - Space
Interact - E
Switch to hammer - Number 1
Switch to pistol - Number 2
Switch to AK-47 - Number 3
Attack - Left Mouse Button
Light Source - F

Due to my limited Unity and Javascript knowledge, several game mechanics work in a way which you would not expect.
Examples of this include the fact that you need to have your AK-47 out when you pick up magazines, as the ammo variable
and handling of adding to the ammo variable are only active if the AK-47 entity is active (drawn). The terrain may flicker
a little and NPC models can be a bit strange and stretchy, partially due to the fact that I'm shit at blender and also because
of the nature of the models, made to look a bit weird and fucked up. I'll just go and say that this is all functionality and
absolutely 100% isn't because I'm bad at making games. Enjoy! C:

Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Brief Nudity
Strong Language
Mature Humor

I want anybody who reads this to know that no offense was ever intended with this game. When I made this, I was a teenager and did not understand any implications. I hope you can enjoy regardless and the sequel will be changed. Slava Ukraini

SLAV SIMULATOR 2 is out now - bigger and better: