
Smithing v1.1
A super simple blacksmithing game. As you hit the sword its quality improves. But be careful, hitting the wrong tiles will end up in a botched work. Each tile has a number or symbol indicating which type it is and what tiles you can hit after that one. Also tiles have color indicating how hot or cold they are. After hitting a tile 3 times, it will cool enough so you can't hit it anymore.
Good luck!
Black Apron is based on the minigame Blacksmithing from Puzzle Pirates. I am doing this game to learn more about Unity and revive my old memories from childhood.
As of 01/02/2019 the game is still very rough and unfinished.
I will be adding:
More layers ( original game had 3 6x6 layers )
More pieces ( original game had 9 )
Animations for the board and sword. And improve hammer.
A menu and UI where you can see how many swords you forged and their quality.
More dificulties that affect the number of different types of pieces available
Better sprites
Now has 3 layers
Background sword changes colour depending on number of pieces hit.
Improved hammer animation (will change it so it takes the same time for any distance)
Still can't fix the bug where the last column doesn't work correctly
Big oof, I lost original project
Still has 3 layers
Background sword no longer changes colour
Added "<text>" text where it will show number of pieces left
Below "<text>" it will show the last hit pieces so you can track combos
Hammer speed and sound will change (eventually...)
Oh boy, I lost track of time.
NEW - now the game is in 3D
Pretty board with new animations
Will add the hammer next
Need to add UI
Main menu, can only play or quit (options is locked)
More beautiful board and animations
Game still does not end, need to add replay button
Sword and progress bar colour does not change