Comments (5)
L game, stupid visuals, what even was this?? XD
This goofy-goober's more scary then some "Doll broken kid must get revenge" antagonist like him lol

If you make a Remaster of this i would make these levels
Joseph Level : You wake up as Joseph and he says : " Where am i? Hello? Junior? Cody? Jeffy? " And you need to walk to the end of the level but if you see Cody running to you at full speed then jump to avoid him.
Junior Level : The Camera pans to Junior in a cage crying where softly saying " Thomas......T...Thomas.... " Then the cage opens and Junior breaks free but a Ghostly voice says " G I V E M E 1 0 C A R D S " So you give the shadows the cards but if you see Red eyes stop giving them but if you see blue eyes keep going.
Cody Level : Cody is starting to regret being mean to Junior and Joseph so he comes out the Fort to say sorry but There is only words saying " Y O U C A N T G O B A C K " Cody says " I must feel my regret of what i've done....So you play as cody and you must cry to drain your Mean metre and if you stop crying your Mean metre will go up but if you see Shadows of Junior and Joseph you have to stop crying or else you will be made fun of and die. Get your Mean metre to 0 to win
Bonus Jeffy Level : You wake up on the Couch as Jeffy and he wonders where everyone is so he walks around the house saying : " Junior? Mommy? Daddy? Cody? Anybody? " But when you find The Pillow Forts you have to Choose...If you Pick Junior's Pillow Fort then Cody will jump out the fort and kill you... " Bad ending " But if you go to Cody's Fort then you have to find Joseph and Junior's Bodies and get out of there but beware...Cody is lurking in the shadows and if he sees you then RUN! If you make it out then You go to the Hospital and Brooklyn T Guy Helps them and Brings them back to life " Good Ending "
Ah, that stupid-a$ game I made when I was young. Good times, ay, my friends?
cool, I guess
SML Horror Game: BowserJuniorPillowFort
At 2016, Junior built his own pillow fort. When Chef Pee Pee let Joseph and Cody with Ken in, they get to go in Junior's pillow fort. Junior made 2 rules.
Cody says they should make-out. But, the pillow fort was too cramp!
And, Junior sayed that no dolls are allowed, Cody complained, but Joseph and Junior keep saying that!
So, Cody was like "Fine!"
The pillow was too heavy, and Cody was trying to push Ken off.
But, when Ken got out, he BREAKED in HALF!
Cody, was sad and mad...
Cody got out of Junior's pillow fort, and makes room for Junior and Joseph!
Cody stands there, and went back to Junior's pillow fort. He telled Junior and Joseph to follow Cody.
They said YES. But, when they follow Cody, things were not right...
After you wait for 1 minute after the end jumpscare, there's a challenge. Cody tells you to bring him 10 cards! All you have to do is click on the "Click" to add up the number!
When you reach to 10 and give him the 10 cards, he'll let you get out of this horrible, scary, bloody story!
Press ENTER if you're in the title!
If you're at the Junior level, press W to walk forward. Then, click on the Cody's eyes active!
If you're at the Joseph level, use the arrow keys to move Joseph!
If you're at the challenge, i think you know what to do. :D
Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed