sml․link is an upcoming GameMaker fan-recreation of a beloved Game Boy title. This is Super Mario Land like you've never seen it before!
File-based level system and in-game level editor
Modernized physics whilst maintaining a classic feel
Local co-op support for 2 players on the same device
Online co-op and versus modes for up to 4 players around the globe
16:9 widescreen support
Multiple color palettes
Discord Rich Presence
A legally acquired .gb ROM file of Super Mario Land is required to extract the necessary assets to play.
Landon H. "Landimizer"
Project director and programmer
Additional character artwork [ Luigi, Toad, Peach ]
Additional music composition [ ♪ Versus ]
Additional music composition [ ♪ Menu ]
Additional music composition [ ♪ Level Editor ]
Nintendo (C) 1989
Super Mario Land
sml․link is completely non-profit with minimal distribution of copyrighted content, and no copyright infringement is intended.