Comments (2)
Using stolen textures is okay during development, but since you've already published your game, you should have updated your textures to be your own original art... it's very obvious that the current textures (or at least a lot of them) are taken from Minecraft. If you did this because you have difficulty making pixel art, here's a really nice guide I once found that you could find useful.
Just a little "Arcade-Cannon-Shooter"
It still needs decorative touches and some other details, but the gameplay is as good as done.
Winter is coming!... maybe
The Smoofs began to collect cookies, to survive the cold time of the year. But the grumpy Rostfrösche are blocking the road! They want to stop the Smoof Car, which delivers the freashly harvested cookies.
Use the mighty Smoof Cannon to kindly push the Rostfrösche away. But be careful, do not damage the Smoof Car!
Winter is coming!... vielleicht
Die Smoofs haben begonnen Kekse zu sammeln, um die kalte Jahreszeit zu überleben. Aber die zornigen Rostfrösche blockieren die Straße! Sie wollen das Smoof Car stoppen, welches die frisch geernteten Kekse liefert.
Verwende die mächtige Smoof Kanone um die Rostfrösche vorsichtig wegzuschubsen. Aber sei vorsichtig, beschädige nicht das Smoof Car!