Game Community
Creepypasta Land
38 Members

Comments (11)

What do you think?

is the sequel to creepypasta land 1

It will be epicc

@RpgBlaster will sumira be in this game? if so are you going to change her design? or keep the oringal?

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Main Menu

Will you find the strength to Reshape the world and sacrifice everything behind ?

Welcome to this new Shin Megami Tensei Game

a mix of rpg and horror in the development depending on your alignement you may betray and kill your friends to accomplish your ideal awaken your true self to get stronger,hard boss battle that require strategy,demons,angels,beings of fear await you in this corrupted world will you become a steadfast soldier of the law or an agent of chaos? who would you entrust the future to?

full game supposed to have 18 Chapter

and at least 20 Hours of gameplay

(i have all the pre-assets prepared,ย it will finallyย begin as soon as i will get access to Yume RPG Builder)

#rpg #horror

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Brief Nudity

Bifurcadon - SCP Force

3D Model

SMT : SCP Force

Added in Devlog