Comments (1)
Really nice camera angles! I included it in my Beans Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look! :)
Snake this! v1.0.3
Snake this! v1.0.3 Mac
Snake this! v1.0.0
Snake this!
A mafia-driven sports event in it's superlative, with snakes, in space. for real, it's true. trust us.
Requirements: 2 - 4 experienced Snakefighters (local Multiplayer)
Use Xbox-Controllers to slap with your snake!
Left Stick - Movement
Right Stick - Look Rotation
RB - Attack
RT - Heavy Attack
LB - Throw Snake
RB- Register Player
LB - Start Game
Start - Back to Menu
Credits to blurryroots the makers of StreitwagenSim, Cybersquid and the rest of the gang!
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans