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Snooker Rack
Download and unzip to a preferred location.
Both your browser and Windows defender may show warnings saying the app is unrecognized. This is simply because the app is new and so it is being treated with caution. The app has been made using the Unity engine so there is no cause for concern.
If you wish to continue the download, click keep in the browser when the warning is shown.
Once downloaded you can scan the zip with your antivirus program and once satisfied, unzip and then right click the exe and select properties and then check unblock.
Keep your cue holstered and prepare to test your problem solving skills through the medium of snooker and engage with the game like never before. In this easy to play yet challenging snooker based puzzle game, use the points values of the snooker balls provided to match each section of the triangle rack to the target set. Win in the quickest possible time and then play again to lower the time and raise the standard. With two difficulty settings and a best time for each setting, learn the game and then take on the full challenge. #puzzle
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