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You Are Dead. Dead Dead.
Lose a Night for first time

One Night With Snoots
Survive the First Night

Two Nights With Snoots
Survive the Second Night

The band I
Complete the custom night challenge "The band I"

Ladies night I
Complete the custom night challenge "Ladies night I"

Pay attention I
Complete the custom night challenge "Pay attention I"

Flappy Ptero 1
get 25 points in flappy ptero

Bronze Raptor
get 50.000 points on Reed vs the evil aliens from space

On cameras I
Complete the custom night challenge "On cameras I"

Three Nights With Snoots
Survive the Third Night

Four Nights With Snoots
Survive the Fourth Night

Five Nights With Snoots
Survive all five Nights

Metal Scars
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Burning the Bridge
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

The band II
Complete the custom night challenge "The band II"

Ladies night Il
Complete the custom night challenge "Ladies night Il"

Pay attention II
Complete the custom night challenge "Pay attention II"

Flappy Ptero 2
get 50 points in flappy ptero

Silver Raptor
get 500.000 points on Reed vs the evil aliens from space

On cameras II
Complete the custom night challenge "On cameras II"

Achieve this trophy to view the description.

The band III
Complete the custom night challenge "The band III"

Ladies night Ill
Complete the custom night challenge "Ladies night Ill"

i wanna be that trigga
pass "trigga's adventure" with 0 lives

Flappy Ptero 3
get 100 points in flappy ptero

Golden Raptor
get 1.000.000 points on Reed vs the evil aliens from space

Maximum Challenge
complete the custom night with all 10 a.i with level 20