
Sunday Night Suicide Expanded - PreInstalled
Sunday Night Suicide Expanded - Psych Folder

This is a Restoration of Sunday Night Suicide Expanded, which was a predecassor to Craziness Injection made by @Sergierix1 that was never released. So i recreated it and added some songs that were discovered or released over time, but there are still some I didnt add, since they werent leaked and are now lost media and the rest is so unfinished that they cant be turned into an actual playable song, the only songs that were polished enought to be added were Overjoy, which was added into Craziness Injection and also Tears, which turned into Suffering in Craziness Injection.
Original Sunday Night Suicide: Mayz
Original Sunday Night Suicide Expanded: @Sergierix1
Sprites: Rikstar
Gamebanana Chanelog Page of the Original Mod:

#fnf #sns #ci #sunday #night #suicide #expanded #sundaynightsuicide #craziness #infection #crazinessinjection #fanmade #fangame #restored #other