Comments (9)
Haha, yes! Finally won :D
It reminds me a lot of Rocket League, but with cows and a lot more violence. I love it!
The way the "car" sticks to wall is really nice, but the camera can get confusing sometimes (which is 100% understandable since it is a Ludum game)
Shooting the cows is really satisfying, especially when you nail a cluster with a bomb :)
The graphics are nice and kind of cute, the sound effects aren't half bad and the controls are pretty tight.
All in all, pretty darn good! I had fun with it :)
Voted on you guys for the fest, best of luck guys :D
If you have the time, I'd love to hear your feedback on our own submission
Hey there! Just uploaded a lets play of the game. Great concept. Really hard though! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpkKUAlmyMs
has a certain charm, i liked it, but it was unclear what the objective was
<3 this.
Soccer Cow
Battle with Cows in a Post-Apocalyptic Soccer-War with Cows Everywhere!
Created for the 72hr Game Jam: Ludum Dare 32 #LDJAM Theme: "Unconventional Weapon"
>Earn points by shooting the ball into either goal net.
>Cows earn points by trying to kill you.
>First to earn 3 points wins!
WASD = Drive
Left-Click = Primary Weapon
Right-Click = UNCONVENTIONAL (Cowtapult)
Shift = Turbo
Also, be sure to purchase the official Soccer Cows t-shirt!