
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Had many players at Poznań Game Arena 2019! :)

not bad but not that good :(

here is some feedback:

  • no animations for the cut-scenes

  • the writing and story need some work

  • when your car breaks it just turns into a block of weird things

  • in the first area there are a lot of zombies and you cant kill all of them

  • zombies drop ammo randomly and each drop gives you one bullet. but it takes 2 shots to kill a zombie

  • all the zombies are the same

  • the bats hit box is a bit broken and isnt that satisfying to use

  • in the area where the guy tells you to go to the sewers there are a lot of secret roots to get to the sewers. now adding secrets in the game is cool but you kind of put alot of secrets to the point that when you find a secret you dont get that existed about it

sorry about the heavy criticism, i just went all out :/



Version: 0.3.0about 5 years ago

#rpg #shooter #action #2D #pixelart

Nevada, 2044. Very strange reports were recieved from Rochester, a town placed nearby old military base. You are an secret agent send to find out what's going on.

PopHead is a 2D shoother with RPG mechanics. Game is being developed by an amateur group SPC. This is first demo release that reveals basic game mechanics and game plot.

We're currently looking for Graphics designers, Game designers, Level designers, Music creators and C++ programmers so if you wanna join our team, just go to our Discord Server:
Here you can see the requirements for joining:

The game is being made on our custom game engine. It's an open source project; You can see the source code here:

moving: AWSD
shooting: Enter
changing gun: Q
hitting: backslash
interacting: E


Grzegorz "Czapa" Bednorz
Piotr Gardocki
Szymon "Whittler" Strugała
Hubert Misiewicz
Kamil Lewan
Kamil "Sajko"
Adam "Bobem" Żukowski
Lorwin "Graphffiti"
Piotek "Fave"

game / level designer:
Piotr "Prezes" Brzostowski
Stephen Smith
Adrian Paulus
Grzegorz "Czapa" Bednorz

music and sound creator:
Mateusz Stepka
Jerzy Wujczyk

graphics creators:
Andrzej "Jumbocube" Brol

quality assurance:
Piotr Wielgórski
"Siwy Kleszcz"

Adrian Paulus

our page on

Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Hi guys!
We've just released new update of PopHead. The game is shown on PGA (Poznań game arena) which is one of the biggest gaming fairs in Europe.

Please give us some feedback.

Go here to see change log: