Comments (4)
For those who have stumbled upon this game by mere chance as I did and want to know how this is, the game works fairly well. It's a basic point and click Duck Hunt that allows you to shoot at Sonic and Tails. The game operates pretty simply with 1P mode. 2P mode isn't exactly clear, although I haven't used it enough with my boyfriend. Although we do get endless amusement from it.
The game is a good time waster, but doesn't full screen which isn't inherently an issue but if you like that sort of thing, it's best if you mess with your settings before you play this. The game is fairly solid, I only encountered one glitch where it game me a game over for no reason when I got everything perfect, but that was on the first playthrough. The other times I have played this I've either had no issues or barely any,
If you want a bit of a small amusement with some giggles here and there, this game is pretty good.
The game's major flaw is just how Sonic and Tail's colour pallets don't entirely fit for the colour saturation of Duck Hunt, but otherwise this is a pretty good game. I still play it every now and then, and enjoy myself a decent bit. If you like Duck Hunt point and clicks, this is pretty nice. I'd suggest you download it.