Comments (34)
Fun but Creppy :)
Imma play it xD
no problem
ok so here are the ideas
my idea is there should be cutscenes before one of the characters level begins
here is a example with dr eggman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk-pXzNBPMs
2.character emotions
this idea is when tails walks in hill when he sees the dead animals his sprite is just normal so my ideas is when you start the level its all normal its the normal green hill theme tails is running fast tails can fly like normal but then when he sees a dead animal the music changes with his sprite here is a sprite sheet and there aresome sprites on it that have tails looking sad here https://warchieunited.deviantart.com/art/Tails-Version-3-Sonic-exe-692255896
a normal level
when a stage begins for example hill when its all normal there should be normal music enemys tails being happy fast and flying then when it gets weird and creepy thats when things get bada header
so i noticed that the games header isnt that greate so i decided to make my own and give it to you here is the link to the one i made
i hope you like the ideas i gave and i hope you like the header i made
i have a few ideas for the game
Demo v0.6
Pre-Release 1 for 0.7.0
[PRE-RELEASE #2] Demo v0.7
The second Pre-Release for the next 0.7.0 update, (srry, Knuckles isn't avalaible)
Sonic.EXE: Hell on Earth (formerly Sonic.EXE Scratch)
Game Soundtrack
Character Select - MK4 | Ladder Select
Sonic.EXE is here, but he learned from his mistakes on other dimensions, and he is bringing his own world with him.
Developed in Scratch, it's not made with lazyness, planning to bring gameplay with quality to you.
Tails, Knuckles and Eggman are not safe anymore with Sonic.EXE in their dimensions. If you want to save them, it is gonna be hard.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language