Comments (53)

I think there is something strange and I don't know what it is
i congratulate you for not using the typical "sonic gets possesed" plot
yes Chapter 2
It was good :)
Its' great, but I would like if some progress were saved so I have to start from the beginning when I lose, it's frustrating. For the rest, it's amazing!
Sonic.exe: Last spurt Remastered (Chapter 1)
ENG info:
1) Don't skip dialogs too fast!
2) There are 4 endings for Tails in chapter 1. One of them is a secret one.
3) Press the X button when Tails is flying.
RUS info:
1) Не пропускайте диалоги слишком быстро!
2) В главе 1 имеется 4 концовки за Тейлза. Одна из них - секретная.
3) Нажми кнопку X, когда Тейлз летает.
Sonic.exe: Last spurt Remastered is a remake of the game Sonic.exe: Last spurt. It tells that Sonic and his friends were going to rest. But suddenly something happened to Master Emerald, and because of what a dangerous adventure awaits them.
The author who made the page cover: Wazze the Eagle (@MaxTheEchidna )
Sonic.exe: Last spurt Remastered является ремейком игры Sonic.exe: Last spurt. В нём рассказывается о том, что Соник и его друзья собирались отдохнуть. Но вдруг что-то произошло с Мастером Изумрудом, и из-за чего их ждёт опасное приключение.
The author who made the page cover: Wazze the Eagle (@MaxTheEchidna )
#fangame #sonicexe #game #sonic #sonicexelastspurt #sonicexelastspurtemastered #remastered
Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language